Youth Empowerment Grantmaking Program

| Our Priorities

This competitive grant program prioritizes nonprofits working in the area of youth empowerment.

ACF Seeks to support organizations making an impact through:

  • Career-connected and experiential learning opportunities and postsecondary planning support.
  • Opportunities for youth to learn, explore, and discover new interests and activities outside the classroom setting, and those that intentionally serve disengaged youth.
  • Opportunities that support physical, social-emotional, and mental health, are culturally responsive, and grounded in youth-centered needs.

| Our Process

Each organization seeking funding should first review our grantmaking guidelines and rubric in English or Spanish and determine whether its proposal meets the criteria and priorities of ACF. 

July 17, 24, 31

Office Hours

July 10 – August 9

Application is Open

August 9 at 5:00 PM MST

Application Closes

August – September

Staff Review


ACF Board Approves Grant Awards

September - October

Award Notification & Grant Agreements Sent


Checks Mailed

If the organization meets the guidelines, begin the application process by navigating to the grant application platform. For 2024, all applicants will need to create an account in ACF’s grant management system.

| Our Criteria

We seek out grant applicants who can showcase: 

  • Alignment with one of ACF’s Youth Empowerment impact areas.
  • Commitment to serving disengaged and under-resourced youth in the Aspen to Parachute region.
  • Programs reflect youth voice and leadership.
  • Programs demonstrate meaningful depth and duration and are culturally responsive.
  • Programs/services are aligned with clearly articulated metrics and demonstrate impact upon youth.
  • Demonstration of operational and financial health of organization, including efficiency, solvency and sustainability, leadership strength, and capacity.

ACF’s youth empowerment grantmaking program is a competitive process and not all requests will be funded. Past funding from ACF or the Youth Empowerment Alliance does not guarantee funding via this process. Each application is assessed on its own merit against the scoring criteria.

Scott Kenner

Grants Manager

| Questions?

Email Scott, ACF Grants Manager, or call 970-925-9300.

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