Regional Response
ACF is uniquely positioned to respond to the issues facing the Aspen to Parachute region.
| Our Approach
We work with our nonprofit and philanthropic partners to gather information, share knowledge and provide resources as needed to address the pressing issues facing our region. Explore regional and statewide resources for impact by reading the data.
| Our Actions
Emergency Assistance
Through regional case managers, ACF provides financial assistance to help individuals and families in the Aspen to Parachute region who are experiencing temporary financial hardship and have exhausted other community resources.
Mental Health Fund
In partnership with HeadQuarters, ACF provides financial assistance to help individuals and families access behavioral health care that meets their mental health needs.
Financial Empowerment Center
ACF is the fiscal sponsor for the Financial Empowerment Center of the Rockies. It is a joint initiative among Pitkin, Eagle and Garfield counties and The Savings Collaborative to offer professional financial coaching and counseling as a public service for all residents to help them address their financial challenges and needs.
| Our Progress
$137,000 distributed to help 65 households in 2023 for Emergency Assistance.
$78,660 distributed to help 89 households in 2023 from the Mental Health Fund.
$9.7 million was contributed and disbursed to ACF’s COVID-19 pandemic response efforts between 2020 and 2022. 15,000+ households received economic assistance