
About the Aspen to Parachute Region

In rural Colorado, the Aspen to Parachute region encompasses nearly 4,000 square miles of ranch land and mountains on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains. The area is noted not only for its stunning wilderness and popular resort towns, but also for its substantial socioeconomic, health and education disparities.

POPULATION Regional Pitkin Garfield RFV Eagle
Total Population 85,463 17,358 61,685 6,420
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 28% 1,892 19,564 2,352
Total Households 33,756 8,114 23,390 2,252
Foreign Born 11-15% 10.7% 14.3% 15.1%
Not a U.S. Citizen 36-62% 36% 62.7% ND
POPULATION Regional Pitkin Garfield RFV Eagle
Self-sufficiency Standard (2 adults, 1 preschooler, 1 school age) $116,064 $96,234 $118,088
Families Living Below the Self-sufficiency Standard 17.7% 31.2% ND
Without Health Care Coverage 4-18% 4.4% 17.5% ND
People in Poverty 7-8% 6.7% 8.1% 8%

Self sufficiency standard determines the amount of income required for a working family with 2 children to meet basic needs at an adequate level.

Across the region, hardworking families face barriers to accessing the opportunities, education, childcare and resources they need for themselves and their families need to thrive.  

Aspen Community Foundation inspires philanthropy and ignites community-led collaborative action to change that.

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