About Us
We are a community foundation dedicated to positive change.
Since 1980, Aspen Community Foundation has been investing in a future where everyone from Aspen to Parachute has equitable opportunities to thrive. To ensure these opportunities are accessible to all, we:

Connect nonprofit, philanthropic and community leaders advancing solutions
| What is a Community Foundation?
Sitting at the intersection of community, nonprofit, and philanthropy, a community foundation is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization that works with the community to understand and address the challenges and opportunities facing a region. At ACF, we use this knowledge to support philanthropists and nonprofits in their efforts to affect positive change on the issues that align with our mission. Watch this YouTube video to learn more about community foundations.

Our leadership team has the philanthropic expertise and passion for positive change necessary to make an impact.

Philanthropy is an active process. We remain in conversation with our partners to increase transparency and hold ourselves accountable.
| Our History
ACF is Born
The Aspen Foundation was created by the Aspen Skiing Company in 1980 to generate charitable contributions in the Aspen community.
The First Fundraiser
The earliest fundraising occurred through the sale of special ski passes, which brought in $32,475 in 1980.
The First Grant
The Aspen Foundation, as it was then called, steadily built its organization and its Board, issuing its first grants to the community in 1982, when they received their official nonprofit status. Events were crafted to raise the profile of the organization, such as Winternational and Le Grande Affaire, a black-tie fundraiser which raised $250,000 annually.
Mission Affirmed
By 1986, the Aspen Foundation reported annual revenues in excess of $1,000,000, and affirmed its mission as “providing philanthropic leadership to meet immediate and long-term human needs in Aspen, Snowmass and throughout the Roaring Fork Valley.” The local press declared “Foundation Aims to Better Quality of Life in the Aspen Region.” Much of what grounds the current Aspen Community Foundation and guides it are the achievements and philosophies from these early founding years.
Areas of Giving Grow
In 1990, the year of its tenth anniversary, Aspen Community Foundation had distributed more than $6 million to nonprofits in the greater Roaring Fork Valley. Areas of giving had grown beyond the first recipients—the arts and sporting events—into the areas of education, health and human services. During the 1990’s, the Board of the Aspen Community Foundation realized that to truly fulfill its mission, it would address the needs of working families throughout the Roaring Fork Valley who provided critical services to Aspen and were an important part of the larger community.
Making Real Change
By 1998, over $1,000,000 was distributed through grantmaking and donor-advised funds, effecting real change in the lives of the region’s families and individuals in need.
The Silver Medallion Pass
In 2000, the Aspen Community Foundation sought to ensure its sustainability and longevity far into the future by endowing its operations. A special ski pass program—the Silver Medallion Pass—was issued by the Aspen Skiing Company to raise $5 million for the Foundation’s endowment over a four-year period. This effort was very successful in securing an endowment that is now $14 million.
Celebrate 30 years
As ACF neared its 30th Anniversary in 2010, it began strategizing ways to engage the community on issues that are important to the region. With a 30-year history of funding organizations and projects focused on children, families and the underserved, a concept began to take shape that would expand and create a system of linked opportunities for early education, afterschool programs and academic mentoring that would support children at every stage from cradle to career.
Programming Updates
The Cradle to Career Initiative soon followed in 2012. Learn more about our new vision for community impact.
Through individual donations and donor-advised funds, a culture of philanthropy and caring has been forged, reflecting the generosity and humanity of the Aspen Community.